Monday, May 26, 2008

things you should do when you are on PC

1-You should give your eyes a rest.

2-You should have a comfortable chair.

3-You shouldnt sit too close to the computer.

4-You should put the computer by a window.

5-You should sit far from other computers.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Passive to»» Active.

1-The dog bit the boy.
The boy was bitten by dog.
2-The thief stole the gold.
The gold was stolen by the thief.
3-Teacher switched on the computer.
The computer was switched on by teacher.
4-Hamad wrote the letter.
The letter was written by Hamad.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Superlative sentence&Comparative ssentences

Comparative sentences:
1-Dell is nicer than Toshiba.

2-A notebook is more expensive than a desktop.

3-Flash memory is more useful than a floppy disk.

Superlative sentences:
1-A hard drive is the largest memory in a computer.

2-Fire Fox is the most important browser on the net.

3-I Mac is the newest computer in The Apple Store.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Five things computers can do

Computers help people from old to child to do their work fast. Here are five important ways computers help us in our life. First, computers help engineers to do their work clearly on a lot of programs. Second, it is easy for students to do their project such as search on the internet and used also the program. Third, airlines use computers to control planes. Fourth, computers save our work.