Friday, June 13, 2008

As long as I shall liveI'll hold you dear and I will reminisce Of our love


The smile is a famous word letters

Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose.

Every minute of anger will get you one more year older

If the loser keeps his smile the winner will loose the thrill of victory


Titanic the ship of dreams It was the biggest ship in the is sinking in the NortAtlantic Oceanbecause it is struck an iceberg.The life boats only held half of people that people pull them self for their life. The cold is terrible but much worse it is for the people in the black water. Many are screaming for help but the screams are becoming quieter as the people in the water become weaker and weaker.I like this book very much because it is very interesting to read about this history ship. When I saw the film there was a sad love story about a poor young man and a rich young lady Jack and Rose.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

To: my teacher
From: Alanoud
Date: 12-6-2008
Subject: Report on Computer Blogging Workshop



The following report was summarizes the results of the blogging work shop given June 11, 2008. The report also offers suggestions for future projects for this course.


The work shop started at 12:30 in the computer lab room (10.2.17). Fifteen participants came to our workshop. And we finished at 2:30.

The work shop results

The point of our project was to show the participants how to create and enjoy their blogs. Most of them took longer than originally expected. Most participates asked for some of difficult steps to do the blogs and the rest of them said they liked the workshop very much. Also some of them liked the slide show. Some of them not got my attention because my voice is very low.


We did very well in the workshop and most of participate like our project and they learned new information .The part that I liked most was to teach the slid show.
Next time I will make sure that my voice will get higher.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

To: Mr. Scott
Date: june8th, 2008
Subject: The Best PC to buy
Hi Scott,
Through marketing research, I looked at three types of computers, which are: the iMac, Dell and HP. The iMac is the most expensive of all at 1600$. HP has the biggest hard drive space of all at 360GB. Also, HP has the largest memory of all at 4GB.So, I think you should buy an HP, because of the good capacity, large memory and good price

with all my respect

Monday, May 26, 2008

things you should do when you are on PC

1-You should give your eyes a rest.

2-You should have a comfortable chair.

3-You shouldnt sit too close to the computer.

4-You should put the computer by a window.

5-You should sit far from other computers.